Travel Information - Mondial Assistance
Mondial Assistance manages the travel insurance policy that you recently purchased from our partner, Webjet.
As one of our policyholders who may be affected by disruption to flights caused by the volcanic ash cloud over Europe, we want to reassure you about the coverage of your Mondial Assistance travel insurance policy.
All our comprehensive travel insurance policies, purchased before 16 April, include cover for cancellation and accommodation expenses associated with delayed flights as a result of the ash cloud.
Currently you may be having problems in contacting us by telephone as we are experiencing very significant call volumes. We hope the following information will provide you with the detail and certainty you need to rest easy about your travel insurance policy. If after reading the following you are still unsure or concerned please call us on our 24 hour emergency assistance number +61 7 3305 7499 reverse charge from anywhere overseas or 1800 010 075 free call within Australia or 0800 778 103 free call within New Zealand. Or you can email us on [email protected].
Mondial Assistance is a specialist assistance and insurance company and a leading provider of travel insurance in Australia and New Zealand and we will not abandon any of our policyholders that are stranded as a result of the volcanic ash cloud.
We will continue to monitor the situation and respond to any changes in this developing situation as they occur. If you are not due to depart until after next week we ask you to be patient with the situation and not rush to cancel your plans at this stage.
The following questions and answers relate to the travel insurance cover that Mondial Assistance policies, purchased before 16 April 2010, are providing to providing to travellers affected by flights disruption caused by the Iceland volcanic ash cloud.
If I am stranded in London and unable to board my flight home will Mondial Assistance cover the cost of additional accommodation/hotel expenses while I wait for a flight home? What if this continues for weeks, is there a limit to the support you will give me?
We will cover the cost of reasonable accommodation expenses while you wait for your flight home. We want to help so by reasonable we mean the same standard of accommodation that you have been paying for as part of your trip so far.
In terms of any limit of cover, firstly, let's hope for everyone's sake that flights can resume safely as soon as possible. However Mondial Assistance will not abandon any of our policyholders that are stranded as a result of the volcanic ash cloud.
What if I have run out of money and my credit card is 'maxed' and I am unable to pay for additional accommodation?
Mondial Assistance can help by acting as guarantor with your hotel or other accommodation provider for your accommodation while you are unable to board your flight. If you have already incurred costs for additional accommodation, those costs can be refunded once you submit your claim with us.
What about food and living expenses -- will you cover that as well?
Some of our policies do provide for additional expenses of up to $200 per day for reasonable living expenses -- always in these cases we urge you to keep all your receipts that you need to substantiate your claim with us.
If I am hoping to fly to Europe this week for the start of a dream holiday and my flight is cancelled indefinitely or until further notice, will Mondial Assistance cover the cost of my cancelled flight and all the accommodation and tours I had booked?
Yes we will cover your cancellation expenses though we believe that all major airlines will either refund fares or offer rescheduled flights when they are able to. We encourage people to continue to talk to us and their airlines about what options are available to them.
There are some travellers stranded in Iceland at the moment and apparently they may be able to board a flight to Seattle and fly back home via the United States -- will Mondial Assistance cover these travel costs? And what if the travellers are short of cash or credit, can Mondial Assistance help?
Our policies do provide cover for alternative travel costs and we are able in most circumstances to act as a guarantor for expenses. So if you are a policyholder stuck somewhere with limited or little cash at your disposal, we can help. Every case is different so we do ask our policyholders to call us in the first instance.
What else should I be aware of?
If you wish to check the detail of your policy coverage, we encourage you to read the Product Disclosure Statement or Policy Wording that you received when you purchased your policy. This will give you more detail about what your policy provides cover for and what it does not.
When you call us to discuss your travel options and policy cover, it would be useful if you had a copy of your travel itinerary with you -- that will save time in assessing the best next steps for you.
You should take all reasonable steps to minimise your expenses and this includes rearranging your journey where possible.
With your claim, you will need to submit all receipts for any additional accommodation and transport expenses. If you are claiming cancellation or additional expenses you will need to submit all documents showing what your original planned pre-paid arrangements were, along with any receipts and documents showing your new arrangements, and advice from the travel provider indicating the non-refundable portion of the journey.
Mondial Assistance has a 24 hour emergency assistance number for any policyholder to call if you need help -- it is +61 7 3305 7499 reverse charge, 1800 010 075 free call within Australia or 0800 778 103 free call within New Zealand.
Or you can email us on [email protected].
Brett Robinson
Chief Executive Officer