Boxing Day Flight Sale
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Frequently Asked Questions

When is Boxing Day in 2025?

Boxing Day is on Friday the 26th of December 2025, but sometimes you'll score an early Boxing Day deal.

How can I find the best Boxing Day deals?

To find the best deals, compare prices across multiple airlines, be flexible with travel dates, and book early as the discounts are often limited. Use tools like Webjet to quickly find and secure the lowest fares.

Which airlines offer Boxing Day discounts?

In previous years, many major airlines offered Boxing Day discounts. Deals can vary, so checking trusted travel platforms like ours helps you see all options in one place.

Can I book Boxing Day flights for summer holidays?

Yes! Boxing Day sales are a great time to book flights for summer holidays. Airlines often include deals departing in January and February, perfect for a summer getaway.

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*Prices on this page are subject to change without notice, perform a search to view live pricing. Prices are inclusive of taxes and airline surcharges.Webjet flight fees per booking:Webjet Servicing Fee: Domestic $10.95, AU/Pacific $18.95, International $33.95.Booking Price Guarantee: Domestic $8.95, AU/Pacific $10.95, International $17.95. Varyingpayment feesare included in the price breakdown on Webjet’s checkout page, once your payment method has been selected.